& BAPA said... "Prayers seem to have disappeared from this world because they are taught, instead of being kindled.
By teaching, they have become artificial.
And since such prayer is not kindled from within, life remains empty and reeks of filth.
Never teach a prayer to anybody.
The very act of teaching makes it worthless..."
& BAPA said... "A prayer is meant for you to meet God.
It is different for everybody.
Everyone's expression of love is different.
Everyone's prayer may be different but the inner state from where prayers emerge, is the same.
Prayer is an inner dance, an expression of joy, a content state of being..."
& BAPA said... "Make death an instrument to attain immortality, self-realisation.
Neither fear nor love death, but use it to attain that which is beyond death, and you will triumph over it.
Utilise death to proceed on the inward journey.
It is not merely to be used as something to meditate upon, but to go deeper within.
If you are able to think about death, your life will take on a new dimension.
There will be a different meaning to life.
Your mind will start exploring new avenues..."
& BAPA said... "Develop the awareness of death and bring it closer to you, so that you can see it,contemplate upon it.
That observation and contemplation will give you entry into your inner self.
That reflection will create the new necessity for an inward journey, it will open the gates to your Inner Self..."
& BAPA said... "The Enlightened Ones say that it makes no difference whether death is two hours away or twenty years away.
Even if you were given twenty years, nothing would be accomplished.
You would not live longer, only your awareness would live longer.
That is to say, unawareness will eat into the larger part of your life.
Therefore, do not get cheated.
Be aware of death and make your life meaningful..."
& BAPA said... "If a prayer is a prayer, it is enough.
But the real question is, has your prayer come from the heart, or is it borrowed?
Is it something you have learnt or read, or has it come from within?
If it has come from the depths of your heart, then it is certainly enough..."
& BAPA said... "A true prayer begins as a request to change one-self and culminates in a tranquil, silent and thoughtless state of mind.
On the other hand, any request to change circumstances cannot be called a prayer.
That would be sheer begging..."
& BAPA said... "Something has awakened within the person who question himself, 'Can the life I am leading really be called a life?'
This is an auspicious sign, the begining of spirituality.
This is the first step in the journey, the first ray of light, without which the sun of enlightenment cannot rise in your life..."
& BAPA said... "There is no doubt that the teachings of the Enlightened are effective, but when your own knowledge, which has emerged from within, derived from your own experiences, is firmly set within your heart; then the delusion in your beliefs will definitely cease..."
& BAPA said... "Even in the sphere of religion we do not give up the habit of 'I' and 'mine'. We nurture the ego through religion whereas religion really means the dissolution of the ego..."
& BAPA said... "A disciple is one who is ready to lie down on the operation table.
He has such faith in his surgeon, his Guru, that he is ready to be rendered unconscious by him, even to have his stomach cut open by him!
He keeps the faith that, in his Guru's hands lie his true well-being, even if there is some pain associated with it..."