Wednesday, 14 December 2011

"Only one desire, one goal, a single wish, remains..."

& BAPA said... "The Enlightened Ones can chart the route, but it is you who have to tread the path. 

An Enlightened Being may talk of food, but that will not fill your stomach. 

Discussing water does not quench thirst. 

It can only inspire you to look for water, reinforce your search for it. 

Discussing hunger will augment it so much that you will set everything aside and look for food. 

This is the only purpose of satsang. 

By listening to the Sadguru's satsang and studying the scriptures, a deep yearning for God is created; a craving so profound that all other desires and passions are lost in it. 

Only one desire, one goal, a single wish, remains and all energy gets channelised towards it..."

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

"You shall attain a state of enlightenment..."

& BAPA said... "So long as you are asleep, so long as you are unaware even while you are awake during the day, it will not be possible for you to sleep with awareness. 

Therefore, be alert, and consciously cultivate awareness. 

As your love for awareness matures and your practice becomes intense, your awareness will bloom, and when awareness blooms, you shall attain a state of enlightenment..."

Thursday, 8 December 2011

"Your inner readiness..."

& BAPA said... "Sanyas has no correlation with age; it is only concerned with your inner readiness. 

The moment one awakens and is ready to turn his back towards the world, to go within, that is the right time for sanyas; it may be childhood, youth or old age..."

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

"Proximity with the Enlightened One..."

& BAPA said... "Go close to a lamp, you see light. Near a flower, you smell the sweet fragrance. 

Similarly, as the proximity with the Enlightened One grows, the light of knowledge and the fragrance of virtues sets in. 

This is association with the Enlightened or Satsang.

The one who does so, clearly sees that focusing on the Self undoubtedly leads to success. 

Abiding by the commandment of the Sadguru,focusing on the Self, he experiences Supreme Joy. 

And that is why he does not forget the Sadguru even for a moment..."

Monday, 5 December 2011

"Happiness is your innate nature..."

& BAPA said... "So long as you believe that joy can come from something or someone outside, you will get sorrow. 

Happiness is your innate nature. And by going within, you will attain it..."

Saturday, 3 December 2011

"It is towards Him, that we move..."

& BAPA said... "Meeting one who has experienced the Divine marks the commencement of the spiritual journey. 

Though the destination is yet far, and out of sight, He has seen it. 

It is towards Him, that we move. 

This movement of an unlit lamp towards a lit one is known as satsang..."

"By the Guru's Grace alone..."

& BAPA said... "The Sadguru turns your dark, moonless night into a breathtaking full moon night. 

He shows you your true nature and brightens up your gloomy life. 

By the Guru's Grace alone, you realise you true Self and your life is filled with peace and joy..."

Thursday, 1 December 2011

"First step on the path of liberation..."

& BAPA said... "If you wish to progress, then to begin with, understand your own expectations. 

Examine the roots. 

Accept your faults instead of trying to hide them. 

This is the first step on the path of liberation..."