& BAPA said... "True spirituality does not manifest when there is only foolish imitation, or when one practises it for want of social respect.
It is only when one goes within, finds an illness there, and turns towards religion to find a cure that the possibility of spirituality manifesting arises.
It is then that true religion is likely to blossom.
& BAPA said... "On the path to enlightenment, it is important to know that what is received through words is not knowledge but only points towards knowledge.
One should also be aware that this knowledge belongs to someone else, it is only a loan.
So long as knowledge is not derived from one's own experience, transformation cannot be expected..."
& BAPA said... "Human birth is so very rare.
Life is so short and uncertain, and the task at hand is massive.
So, beware!
Make the best of the moments you have.
Do not waste even a second.
You have a precious opportunity.
Do not waste it.
Make good use of these very favourable circumstances to make your life meaningful...
& BAPA said... "Your life, your conduct and your attitude should be indicative to others, that it all stems from the association with an Enlightened One, it is the sweet fruit of satsang.
Seeing the transformation in you, when others feel inclined to praise your Guru, and desire to meet Him, attend His satsang; Your transformation is real..."
& BAPA said... "The Enlightened Ones compassionately pronounce that after traversing through innumerable cycles of life and death, you have obtained this human birth, this unique opportunity.
If you miss this, you will have to travel a long way, you will have to wander for a long time.
The human birth gives you this opportunity to strive to turn within.
The soul exists in birds, animals and other creatures too, but none of them can turn within and attain self-realisation.
This ability of turning within, of turning towards the Self is given exclusively to humans..."
& BAPA said... "There is no happiness in a life full of ignorance, a life devoid of knowledge of the self.
There is no meaning to such life, no purpose and no sense of fulfillment.
Mankind is depressed, anxious and exceedingly frightened.
just as a tree whose roots are shaken and unearthed, dries up, mankind is drying up and becoming lifeless.
Why have these roots been shaken?
Simply because man is not aware of his own self.
An auspicious, beautiful and joyful life is possible only when man is at least aware of who he is and why he exists..."